Change Blogger Template Without Deleting widget.

How to change blogger template without deleting widget.
  1. Download new xml template
  2. Save to your desktop. Remember, SAVE no need to open. Some mistake is they open xml file in browser of course there will be an error warning, because browser not compatible to open xml file
  3. Create new blog. This is trial blog to edit new xml template
  4. Upload your new template to trial blog. How to ? Open Edit HTML, and then upload downloaded xml file
  5. Open your current blog layout
  6. Go to Edit HTML, copy all widget code between <div id="sidebar"> </div>
  7. Open trial blog layout
  8. Go to Edit HTML, paste to trial blog, all copied widget code. Put it between <div id="sidebar"> </div> too
  9. Save
  10. Download and save full template of trial blog
  11. Upload to your current blog layout, and you get new layout without deleting widget

Another Tool From Wibiya

Wibiya enables blogs to integrate the most exciting services, applications and widgets of their choice into their blog through customized web-based toolbars.
Their platform offers a one-stop solution for integrating, managing and tracking third-party applications.

Currently they offer a fixed set of tools such as creating a blog community via facebook connect,
enabling twitter alerts on your blog and enabling post navigation but there is a lot to wait for as we will be adding more and more application through time.

How to get it..
just click the wibiya and then click get instal now..
wait for confirmation from wibia to login with your token  
good luck

How to Make PDF Online in Blogspot

If you have this in your blog the visitors will easy download your articles, they just need to click 'save as PDF'. the example are in the below of my blog. Good blog always serve the visitors with good serving. adding PDF Online Button is one criteria of good serve to the visitorsHere are the procedure to make this button are:

1. Go to > Sign in (if you don't have account sign up first)
2. Click Generate Javascript Code > Copy The code to your Blog
3. Go to your blogger dashboard > page element > add gadget
4. Click HTML Code and Paste the Code
Congratulation you have this button now.

How to Make Dofollow at Blogspot

I will share you about how to make your blog become dofollow. If you want other people to comment on your blog, you have to give them something in return. A link with no nofollow is a good way of saying thank you for a comment. bloggers are frequently complaining that nobody would comment on their blogs. In fact, you see that some blogs attract loads of comments and become a fun place to be while others seem so empty like an old bucket. So what is the difference? DoFollow!
Besides, once you go DoFollow, your blog will soon be included in different dofollow blog directories and lists. So it is a good way to get extra traffic and popularity.
Actually there is no such thing like DoFollow yet there is a URL attribute "nofollow". The steps to make your blog become dofollow blog are: 1. Go to your blogger dashboard > Layout > Edit HTML
2. Click column Expand widget Template, scroll down the template code and find this code
<a href="'data:comment.authorUrl'" rel="nofollow">

3. replace that code with this code
<a href="'data:comment.authorUrl'">

4. Save your template