Awesome Facebook Chat Icon

Facebook Recently introduced one of the coolest things ever in their Facebook Chat. For years we are using emoticons to express our feelings even better but now with this new Facebook People Emoticon Feature we can use any Facebook Profile Photograph as an emoticon. So If we want to talk about someone with our friends in Facebook Chat then we can simply use his/her profile pic in the chat as an Emoticon. 
You can now put any face or profile picture of any of your friends, page or event as an emoticon in the chat. This will surely engage users in forming different funny sentences and will give the chatters a brand new experience of Facebook.
 Now we will tell you how to put any of the your friend, page or event as a Facebook emoticon. Following is the step by step procedure you can do for putting this new kind of emoticon.
1) Go to any of the profile, page or event that you wnt to use as en emoticon in your chat.
2) Have a look on the URL. you will see a codee or a user name at the end of the link, For instance, it is or
3) Put that specific user name or code into double square brackets like [[lady.gaga]] or [[1423589658]]
4) Insert these brackets with user name or code into message field or in the chatter box. Then press enter and then the profile picture of that profile, page or event will be sent to the other person as an emoticon.

  • Badass – (Chuck Norris) [[46637413257]

  • Eloquence – [[WilliamShakespeare1]]

  • Pirate – [[CaptainJackSparrow]]

  • President, leadership – [[barackobama]]

  • Bro – [[DJPAULYD]]

  • Male attractiveness – (Ryan Gosling) [[246631252031491]]

  • Boyishness – [[JustinBieber]]

  • Relaxation – [[BobMarley]]

  • Condescension, judgment – [[simoncowell]]

  • Adventure, auto theft – [[VinDiesel]]

  • Brilliance, controversial brilliance – [[Zuck]]

  • Loudmouth – [[theuncrunched]]

  • Greed – [[DonaldTrump]]

  • Drunk – (David Hasselhoff) [[123670240998921]]

  • Santa Claus – [[TheMagicOfSantaClaus]]

  • Terrible art – [[Nickelback]]

  • Winning – [[CharlieSheen]]

  • Disapproval – Fry from Futurama [[[278104690058]]

  • funny icons
    [[223328504409723]] - Gintoki Sakata
    [[236147243124900]] - Pokeball
    [[326134990738733]] - Pikachu
    [[155393057897143]] - Doraemon
    [[224502284290679]] - Nobita
    [[144685078974802]] - Mojacko
    [[334954663181745]] - Spongebob
    [[196431117116365]] - Shin chan
    [[148935948523684]] - Pedo Bear
    [[250128751720149]] - Domo Kun

    for the time being only if you are using the Facebook on web from a PC or tablet then you can send or see these type o emoticons. These are not working with the mobile platform yet.
    happy  chatting..:)

    MMMOOO M1 Android UI v1.1 S60v3S60v5 SymbianOS9.x Signed [Android Shell - TRICK METHOD]

    M1, the all new launcher from MMMOOO, running with Android UI shell on Symbian phones. It's the first & best Android UI shell in Symbian apps.
    * Fullly emulates Android UI
    * Quick launcher to S60 Nokia Samsung apps
    * Weather Widget
    * Call & SMS notifier (for S60 5th only)
    * Add, Rearrange & Delete every icons on the home screen for S60 5th models; Add & Delete every icons on the home screen for S60 3rd models
    * Support touch screen
    * Key lock
    * Registration module inside: Ensure M1 owner enjoy dedicated MMMOOO Premium Service with distinguish & guarantee.
    Changelog: V1.1
    - Added SMS notifier and world wide weather inside.
    TRICK 1:
    - First download and install SIGNED RETAIL version 1.00.
    - After install, open the application once and close it.
    - Then install v1.1 ovewriting v1.0
    - Done. Enjoy the full retail version v1.1
    TRICK 2: (Without Overwriting)
    - Sign and Install v1.1 from below
    - Run x-plore
    - Then Run M1 application from Application folder, select trial and then exit from M1.
    - Finally open x-plore and go to C: Private/AF101004/EB62125B59B4D4502A
    In this folder, there will be only one file, change its attributes to read only.
    [i.e file 4CD11BFC07C2B3FDA63D7 set asread only]
    - Done. Enjoy unlimited trial

    Attached Files

    Windows 3.1 on Symbian - Installation Guide S60v5

    DOWNLOAD Windows 3.1 (English) for Symbian:


    Using new version of DOSBox you can allocate up to 12MB RAM for Windows 3.1 on Nokia 95-1 or similar phones. Also you can disable standard Windows Shell (Program manager) and use only Calmira II.

    1. Do all steps from instruction.
    2. Edit 'e:\Data\dosbox.conf' file and change memsize=8 or more.
    3. Edit 'e:\Data\dosbox.conf' file ane change end line to:

    c:\windows\ /s

    4. Edit 'e:\Data\Windows\system.ini' file to include:



    I. DOSBox v0.72 for Symbian by kolijoco (release 20090305)

    1. Uninstall previous DOSBox versions.
    2. Unpack 'DOSBox_s60.rar' archiwe to your Memory Card
    3. Install ALL aplication from 'Install' directory.
    4a. Install 'dosbox.sisx' on Nokia N95-2, N82 or similar (with 128 MB RAM).
    4b. Install 'dosbox_slim.sisx' on Nokia N95-1 or similar (less RAM mamory).

    II. Windows 3.1 for Symbian (included Norton Commander 5)

    1. Unpack 'Win31en.rar' archive to your Memory Card.
    2. Run installed DOSBox.

    III. changes from release 1.0:

    - Added MCGA (320x200) Driver
    - Added Win32s v1.30c with OLE

    IV. Suggestions

    1. To change DOSBox allocated 2MB RAM edit line 'memsize=2' in file 'e:\Data\dosbox.conf'.
    2. If your mobile phone have enough RAM memory you can install Sound Blaster 16 driver:
    Control Panel -> Drivers -> Add -> Creative Lab Sound Blaster 1.5 -> Restart

    V. Using T9 Keypad

    Receive Call (Green) - Switching Mode
    End Call (Red) - Exit from DOSBox
    Pen Key - Shift
    Delete (C) - Backspace
    Thumb Pad - Arrow Keys, Enter
    Right Key - Escape
    Left Key - Space

    Mode 1:

    First line keys = a d g j m p t w space
    First line keys + Pen =: A D G J M P T W space
    Second line keys + * = b e h k n q u x .
    Second line keys + * = Pen + * B E H K N Q U X
    Third line keys + # = c f i l o r v y \
    Third line keys + Pen + # = C F I L O R V Y |
    Fourth line keys + 1 = s z
    Fourth line keys + Pen + 1 = S Z

    Mode 2:

    Numbers = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
    Numbers + Pen = ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( )

    Mode 3:

    Thumb Pad - Moving mouse
    * = Right mouse button
    # = Left mouse button

    DosBox S60 port by kolijoco - MS DOS EMULATOR-(Update :04.05.09)
    Full & Slim version

    hi all,
    i've finally gotten my s60 (wincw emu for now) build to run - which has been done before -, and also to run a dos game (magic candle) - which i'm not so sure has been done.
    anyway, if all goes well, there will be some updates and hopefully a sisx release soon...
    here's a shot :-)

    ok, lets try this. here's something adventurous people might like to test drive.
    not sure about system requirement, i would guess you need at least a 3rd edition s60 device, and having a minimum 320x240 (either orientation) display is probably a good start.
    the release includes:
    -my gcce release build,
    -the s60 sdl binary release,
    -nokia's openc redists (the redistribution license document is included, if you don't agree to the terms within, don't use them! from my limited understanding this should be ok, if not, let me know and i'll kill the post).
    -example dosbox.conf and mapper.txt
    -"detailed" :-) instructions in README.TXT

    i've also built a slim version...
    those with memory issues should give this a try...
    see the readme.txt for the specifics.
    dependencies not included, download them for the first release (post on one of the previous pages).

    Release Notes :

    i built this release using the 3rd edition sdk, even though i tested the new touch-ui specific functions on the 5th edition sdk emulator build. i really don't know if these 3rd ed builds will work on a 5th ed device like the 5th emu builds did. i can (and will if necessary) release a 5th edition phone release build (though i wont be able tot test that build, for lack of hardware). so, 5800 owners, "feed-me-back", please!

    DO I NEED THIS? ===============

    if you are using a 5th ed touch-ui device (like the 5800), or have a higher than qvga resolution, then ABSOLUTELY! if your device is a 3rd ed qvga, you only need this if you want the rotate screen function, and/or want easy per-game input mapping (you know you do! :-) notes on scalers:


    using scalers other than none will probably have some negative impact on performance. there is probably no pointin using scalers on qvga devices. they're intended for upscaling to qhd (and similarly high) resolutions. don't bother with gl if your device is unaccelerated. notes on the virtual keyboard (for touch-ui):


    i could only test this on the 5th-ed sdk emulator. (you still haven't donated a 5800, or enough cash for me to buy one :-) that being said, consider the feature BETA. (don' hate if it don' work!) i really wish a dev with device access would join. you'll need to draw your own overlay bitmap and define your own keys. if you've been around, you'll get the hang of it... and earn the right to call yourself a POWER-USER (!!!) ;-)


    changes from release 20090305:


    - s60mapper -previously 'premapper' - now implemented as '' dos command (you can define mappings per game, and load them in the batch file you launch the game with)

    - definition of virtual keyboards for touch-ui devices now possible in s60mapper see comments in provided 'virtkeybmap.txt' example for more information

    - added various screen scaling engines (software, s60, opengl/gles) primarily intended for qhd (640x360) devices. see provided 'dosbox.conf' comments

    - rotate screen 180 degree option added (or resurrected) by popular demand for n95/96ers!

    Attached Files

    Attach Recent comments in Blogger

    Hi friends meet again with shared4you. this time we will discuss how to install Recent comments in Blogger. is to attract readers to comment and simultaneously promote your own blog, it helps us put on sedebar recent comments. for those of you who are interested to install it you can follow the steps below.

    - Open the Dashboard of your blog
    - Click on Layout, then select the Page Elements
    - Click Add a Gadget, then select Feed
    - On the Configure Feed window, enter your blog's comments feed. Example:
    - Click Continue

    - Give it a title Title Recent Comments on the box, then click Save
    - Click Save More
    - Done

    good luck .. happy blogger ...

    WordPress v0.8.4 S60v3 v5 S^3 SymbianOS9.x SelfSigned [Blogging Even More Easier]

     WordPress v0.8.4 S60v3 v5 S^3 SymbianOS9.x SelfSigned {Blogging Even More Easier}

    Manage your WordPress blog from your Symbian phone.

    WordPress for Symbian is an Open Source application that empowers you to write new posts, edit content, and manage comments with built-in notifications.
    WordPress for Symbian supports both and self-hosted WordPress (2.7 or higher) blogs.


    · Symbian S60 3rd Edition, FP1/FP2
    · Symbian S60 5th Edition
    · Symbian^3

    Usability update: user doesn t need to input API key anymore to view hosted blog statistics (user has to be in administrator of the blog)
    · Bug fix: Splash screen didn t close if initialization took too long

    Installation Note:
    - First time installers please install the SECOND FILE "Smart installer for first time users"
    - Members who already have the previous version, please install the FIRST SIS FILE for updating"

    Understanding the parts of Blogspot

    Broadly speaking, a blog consists of 4 (four) parts namely Navbar, Header, Blog Post, and Sidebar. The fourth section is always present in a blog created in any type of template used. With respect to them. The following explanation of its parts.


    This blog section will appear when you use domain to display your blog. custom domain instead loh. Navbar is a blog section which is located at the top of the blog. In this section, you can find 3 (three) menus, namely New Post, Customize, and Sign Out. The existence of the menu on the navbar serves to facilitate and speed up if you want to create a new post, editing the blog, and out of your blog.


    Is part of the blog is located under the navbar. This section displays the title and blog description. You do not just change the color and font type and background header, but you can insert images or pictures in that section.

    Blog Post

    True to its name. This section displays the post-post that you publish your blog into the form of articles, pictures, and video. compared with the other blog, the area for this section is more extensive because of the blog post is at the core of the blog.


    Sidebar is part of the blog yan adjacent to the blog post. This section is located on the right or left of the blog post in accordance with the template you choose. by default, elements of the sidebar that appears is abaut me and blogs Archiv. However, you can add another element into this section, such as calendars, polls, slideshows, and so forth.

    Open new tab di link komentar

    Open new tab link this comment is our discussion today. may have many blogger friends who already know about the Open new tab link comments even already use it. for those who have not understood, the following explanation of what is meant by Open new tab link's comments.

    that the mean open new tab link is if you comment or a visitor clicks on a link from the comments that have entered into your article's comments it will open a screen (window) on the new pc monitor to your computer. Well this is so is important. because very influential on your own website. the point is that your blog site or not ketimpa or covered by the new link is clicked. And so your blog will still appear on the screen. I think it is enough to understand the explanation above.

    Here's how to create a new tab Open link comment

         Login to blogger
         Edit HTML
         Put a check in the little box top right
         Then find the code <b:if cond='data:comment.authorUrl'>
         Under it there is code like this

    •      <a expr:href='data:comment.authorUrl' rel='nofollow'>
         Then add the code target = '_blank' after writing 'nofollow'
         So the result will be like this

    •      <a expr:href='data:comment.authorUrl' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'>
         Save your tamplate and see the results.

    Good luck ........

    Snaptu v1.3.2 Alpha "Facebook,Twitter,Livescore,RSS Reader,Google Calendar"

    Facebook, Twitter, Picasa, Live score, Movie reviews, Pub reviews, RSS reader, Google Calendar, Dictionary, Journey planner... all accessible now through one tiny free application!

    snaptu application browser boosts your phone with iPhone like user experience. Install snaptu on your phone to get free access to the web's best online services.

    The Picasa photo browser enables you to view multiple public and private Picasa Web Albums and search for photos from your mobile device. With the RSS reader you can read your favorite feeds and blogs from the mobile phone, anytime, anywhere for free.
    Now featuring new applications
    * Facebook application to stay updated with your social life while on the go. Never lose touch with your friends again - get live news and status updates, browse through your friend's profiles, read and write messages and update your status.
    * Live football coverage, showing real-time game results, news, commentary, favorite tournaments and teams by Score24Live.
    * Dictionary, Find the meaning of words with this English to English dictionary.
    * Transport for London - Tube line status and Journey Planner
    * Fancyapint UK pub reviews
    * Cricinfo cricket news updates and live sores
    * Twitter - See your friends time line, write new twits, reply to twits, write and read direct messages
    ...and more!

    *Snaptu version 1.3.2 (alpha) features upload from camera!

    How to use

    After upgrading, the upload from camera will become available as follows.

    * Twitter app: go to "What's happening?". You will see a camera icon that will allow to take a photo using the camera and attach it to your tweet. You can use the settings to change image service.
    * Facebook app: go to an existing album and click: "Menu -> Take photo".

    Attached Files

    ITB English_For_Indonesian v.0.00(1) s60v3v5 signed

    ENRICH - English for Kids is an English language application for Indonesian speaking children. Chlidren love to play games on their parents' handsets. Now, they can learn English vocabulary too: pictures, writings, and voices. This application is originally created by Fahma Waluya Rosmansyah, a 12-years-old programmer, a 2010 Winner of Indonesian ICT Awards, helped by his younger sister Hania Pracika Rosmansyah. This version has more vocabulary contents.
    Download : ~> HERE

    Nokia Ovi Maps v3.04 (278) S60v3 S60v5 Signed

    With the Ovi Maps (v3.04) exploring new places and getting to your destination is easier and faster than ever. This new release is all about performance improvement.

    Get easily to destinations with Drive & Walk, FREE voice guided car and pedestrian navigation for over 70 countries. Preload maps for entire countries on your Nokia GPS phone with Map Loader and enjoy using all these features and services also offline.

    Online you can check Weather forecasts & Events around your location or any other in the world. Find thousands of listings for sights, restaurants, hotels, shops, nightlife and more with free travel content by Lonely Planet and Michelin, available for over 1000 destinations. You can even book a hotel room via HRS Hotels, currently available in Germany and Finland, coming to more countries soon.

    Share your location with friends on Facebook and let them know what you are up to, right from Ovi Maps. Your status update, photo and location appear on your Facebook page. Your location can be viewed on the map within the Ovi Maps Facebook Application.

    With Ovi Maps, you have many ways to explore and get around:

    * My position - find your location easier and faster.
    * Search - find places and addresses with one-box search.
    * Favourites - Save your favourite places and routes. Sign in to your Ovi account, and synchronise your personal favourites with and vice versa.
    * Drive – free car navigation with voice and visual instructions, lane assistance and speed limit warners, available in over 70 countries.
    * Walk - free pedestrian navigation with voice guidance and routing through dedicated pedestrian zones,         shortcuts and pathways, available in over 70 countries.
    * Weather – hyper-local real-time weather information including a 4-day forecast for your current location or any city found via search.
    * Events – hyper-local real-time events listings for for your current location or any city found via search.
    * Lonely Planet and Michelin guides - free premium editorial travel content for over 1000 destinations with thousands of listings for sights, restaurants, hotels, shops, nightlife, and more. Look these places up on the map, and get there with Walk or Drive navigation.
    * HRS Hotels – book a hotel room straight from Ovi Maps. Currently available in Germany and Finland, coming to more countries soon.

    Coverage for navigable maps in car and pedestrian navigation:
    Andorra, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Belgium, Botswana, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China / Hong Kong / Macau, Colombia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Jordan, Kuwait, Latvia, Lesotho, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, Monaco, Morocco, Namibia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Oman, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Qatar, Romania, Russia, San Marino, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Swaziland, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, USA, Vatican, Venezuela.

    Traffic Coverage:
    Austria, Australia,Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Singapore, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom, USA

    Safety Coverage:
    Austria, Andorra, Belgium, Finland, France, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom

    Changelog: 31/08/2010
    This is a pre-Nokia World 2010 update available for all phones, fixing minor bugs (including correcting and enhancing Nokia's Wi-Fi location system) and possibly preparing the way for additional services. It's a full 8 to 10MB update (depending on device) and installs over the air. There's no change in the basic version number (3.4) but the build number is (obviously) higher, now at '278'.

    To get the latest map data, we recommend you to use Map Loader. It will detect which version of maps you have and update accordingly. Just follow the on-screen instructions.

    Ovi Maps (v3.04) works with the following compatible Nokia devices:

    S60 3.2 Devices: E52, E55, E72, 6710 Navigator, 6730 Classic
    S60 5.0 Devices: X6, N97 Mini, N97 ( onwards*), 5230, 5800 XM (v3.1xxx onwards*)

    Download :

    credit : Synbiantalk

    MeteoNews Weather App v1.00 [Populart Iphone App Now For Symbian Phones]

    The MeteoNews application supplies detailed 10-days weather forecasts and current observations for almost all locations - world-wide!

    The application contains weather video, a rainfall animation, the current satellite picture and numerous animated and non-animated webcams. The current weather and forecasts are shown on both a national map and diagrams of each individual station. Regional weather texts from our meteorologists are also available. Numerous practical functions such as zoom-in on the maps, a personal Favourites list of frequently used locations and geo-localisation support and simplify use. This app can also be attached to your homescreen

    Languages: German, French, Italian, English

    Certain features are only available for iPhone and might not be available for other OS.
     downlaod link will be sent to email ..leave coment pls

    Kaspersky Mobile Securtiy v9.3.63 S60v3/5 SymbianOS9x Signed

      credit : symbiantalk

    Author: Kaspersky Lab.
    Version: 9.3 build 63
    Year: 2010 (Update of 05 October, 2010)
    Language: English, Russian
    Platform: S60v3 (SymbianOSv9.1-2-3), S60v5 (SymbianOSv9.4)
    Rlstype: Original license + c1cl0n patch system
    Requiments: Full access to drive C:/

    How to use:
    » Install Kaspersky Mobile Security into your phone (KMS_v9.0.52.sisx)
    » Open full access to drive C:/ You can do this by app HelloOX, HelloCrbide, ROMPtcher (Open4ll) turn it on
    » Run KMS v9.3 and exit
    » Install Kaspersky v9 Patcher (KTool_v2.9.3.63.sis). When install will complete, you'll can patch your license by opened app (will open automaticly)
    » Done. Now you have a patched license until Y2049

    The product provides the following options:
    » Scanning of the file system for viruses and other types of malware on » Demand or according to a preset schedule;
    » antiviral scanning of files on access;
    » quarantining of infected files and the remedying of some of them;
    » updating of databases on demand or according to a preset schedule via GPRS-Internet, Wi-Fi, EDGE or ActiveSync (for the Windows Mobile version);
    » Blocking f unwanted SMSs and calls;
    » Blocking of the users data if the device is lost or stolen;
    » Deletion of the users data if the device is lost or stolen;
    » Protection of the device against TCP/IP protocol network attacks;
    » Creation of folders in which to store encrypted files;
    » allows the location of the phone to be remotely identified (if the device is equipped with a GPS receiver);
    » Blocking of outgoing calls and SMSs to specific numbers;
    » allows the temporary concealment/restoration of personal information.
    The easy-to-use intuitive interface helps the user to manage the product.
    The product is installed in the main memory of the mobile device only.

    Kaspersky Mobile Security 9.0 includes the following components:
    » Anti-Virus
    » Anti-Spam
    » Anti-Theft
    » Firewall
    » Encryption
    » Parental control
    » Privacy Protection

    System requirements:
    The product is aimed at mobile devices which support the sending and receiving of SMSs and operate under the following Operating Systems:
    » Symbian OS 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4 Series 60 (Nokia smartphones only).

    The product has been tested on the following mobile devices:
    » Nokia: E61, 5500, N95, 3250, E50, E60, N71, N80, E71, N96, N78, 6220, 6110, 5800, n82, n97, e90, n76 5530, 5730
    » HTC: 710S, S620, Touch Diamond, Touch Pro2
    » HP: iPaq 514, S100, HW 6915
    » Eten: m600, x800
    » Toshiba: G900
    » ASUS P750
    » Samsung SGH i200, i900
    » Glofish DX900

    » Fixed bug with app down under network connect

    » Author method: KroliX
    » Code develop: c1cl0n@FoXPDA

    Attached FilesFile Type: sis KTool_v9_v2.9.3.63_Signed.sis (377.4 KB, 34 views)

    Guess Book