Understanding the parts of Blogspot

Broadly speaking, a blog consists of 4 (four) parts namely Navbar, Header, Blog Post, and Sidebar. The fourth section is always present in a Blogspot.com blog created in any type of template used. With respect to them. The following explanation of its parts.


This blog section will appear when you use Blogspot.com domain to display your blog. custom domain instead loh. Navbar is a blog section which is located at the top of the blog. In this section, you can find 3 (three) menus, namely New Post, Customize, and Sign Out. The existence of the menu on the navbar serves to facilitate and speed up if you want to create a new post, editing the blog, and out of your blog.


Is part of the blog is located under the navbar. This section displays the title and blog description. You do not just change the color and font type and background header, but you can insert images or pictures in that section.

Blog Post

True to its name. This section displays the post-post that you publish your blog into the form of articles, pictures, and video. compared with the other blog, the area for this section is more extensive because of the blog post is at the core of the blog.


Sidebar is part of the blog yan adjacent to the blog post. This section is located on the right or left of the blog post in accordance with the template you choose. by default, elements of the sidebar that appears is abaut me and blogs Archiv. However, you can add another element into this section, such as calendars, polls, slideshows, and so forth.


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